Wednesday, December 11, 2013


This week we saw a red bird and it was cool.  Me and my family saw it in our front yard.  It's name This week we saw a red bird and it was cool Me and my family saw it in our front yard.  It's name is Carnelian. It is very very cold outside, so we made them bird feeders so they had something to eat.  This is how I made the bird feeder: first I had a pine cone and I spread peanut butter on it, then  I got crushed bread and put it all over the pine cone.  Next we hung it up on a branch outside.  The next day, Hunter's bird feeder was gone, we could not find it.  We think a bird set it up for a decoration in it's house, just the pine cone though.
It was fun making the bird feeder.  Mine is still outside and Alex's is too.   

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Jimmy's House

Once upon a time I went outside and it was pretty nice and my brothers were playing with me outside in the backyard and we had fun.  Later that day we went to the park.  I was on the slide I slid down with my hands up in the air.

 Once my family and I went to our property on Alex's birthday.  We shot off rockets.  My rocket went as high as my brother's, 400 feet.  I did not really see it take off because it was so fast.
This is me and family at the lake on the property. Once, one Monday, it was a good day.  I went down to the pond.  I was checking for fish.  Alex came to me, but I wanted to be alone.  Alex went away then came back. So, I climbed up the highest mountain I could find.  I thought I was going to fall so I  called my family to come rescue me and they came and rescued me.