Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Adventures of Fishing

This is me and my dad fishing.  Once my dad and I caught a little fish, but I let it go.  It was dragging my lure. I almost got a big fish.  But the fish I got was cool. And, I only caught one fish in one day.  I could have gotten two fish, but I didn't because fishing is harder then you think.  Well it kind of is, you have to have to cast it out there and if you have one of my fishing pole, a red one, you have to put it behind your back and cast it out there very far.  If it is not really far you cast it again.  If you get it out there really far you have to wait for awhile.  Me and my family were going fishing until it was very dark.  We saw a turtle going on land.  Then it was swimming, but it forgot something, he was going to find someone so he came back and we caught him.  We named the turtle we caught Larry and Jo.  They were so cute, but we let them go.  We said bye to them  but they didn't know our language.   

Then there was a fish splashing on my fishing pole. 
The End

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