Thursday, May 22, 2014

Easter is My Favorite!

Easter is My Favorite! 
On Easter is was fun!  We got to color eggs and dye the eggs.  Some of the eggs were blue and some of the eggs I tried to make into a football.  It did NOT work to make them into a football.   The blue egg worked.  I colored the egg with yellow crayon and then dyed it in blue and it said "Happy Easter" on the egg. 

We had Easter baskets that had candy and lots of jelly beans in them.  We had dinosaur coloring stuff and dollars in them too.  We all got goggles to swim with, at Grandmas.  For breakfast we had cantaloupe,  it was really good.  I also ate jelly beans and eggs.  I ate one egg.  It was a blue egg that my mom dyed. 

We found lots of flowers on our way to church. They looked really cool.  We did not pick them.  They grew bigger and bigger and bigger. 

Church was pretty cool.  We had allot of fun at the church.  We found lots of eggs, golden ones and ninja ones. Then we went to our friends house, we went to the pond and stream. It was a nice time at their house.  

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