Monday, October 13, 2014

I am a Tiger Cub

This is me at my brother's Arrow of Light Ceremony.  It was fun.  We went by the stream and held onto a tree and it was very fun.  This was when I was not a Cub Scout yet.  But, now I am a Tiger Cub.  It is very fun to be in Cub Scouts.  My mom is my Cub Scout leader.  

This is my brothers, friend and me.  My brother's friend is very fun.  We were playing war with sticks.  

Tiger cubs is a lot more funner than my biggest brother's group.  But, that is o.k. At our last meeting we played a game and then we did some work in our books.  I make friends at Cub scouts.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Ocean

Here is me and my alligator castle. It didn't take that long to make. 

Here is me in the ocean.  It is fun when you go in the ocean.  If you
go in the ocean all day, when you lay down at night you will
feel like you are still moving.

Here is me and my brother, we are finding cool sea shells. 

Here are my brothers.  We caught mullet.  

Here is me in the ocean. It is really fun to swim in the big waves. 

Here are my brothers in the ocean.  They are running up
to the shore. 

Here is a dolphin. They swim by when you are going pretty fast.
They like to play with people. 

Here is a mother and a baby dolphin.  They like their kids a lot.

Here is me and my hot chocolate. It is fun to be on the boat and sail.

Here is me in the back of our boat.