Wednesday, December 9, 2015


The ocean is fun because I can catch fish. 
Hermit crabs stay in deep places.  I caught hermit crabs in the shallow water, but I had to swim down because it was deep for me.  I got a big hermit crab. 
Groupers stay in very rocky places.  They live at the bottom of the ocean. 
Penguins stay on top of the ground in cold icy places.  They eat fish from the ocean.  The females go in the ocean, but the males stay behind and then they switch. 

These animals live in different depths of the ocean and in different places.  Some live in cold places, some live in hot places and others go in medium waters.  The ocean is fun because you can finds lots of different animals.  


         I like Christmas because I can get so many presents.  I can play and have fun with my new toys! What I want for Christmas this year is a game.

           Christmas is not about presents, it's about Jesus' birthday. Mary wanted a baby boy and they looked in major and they saw the baby Jesus.  Jesus was born on Christmas night and Mary and Joseph looked in the barn.  There were lots of cows and sheep and all the farm animals and Jesus was in the manger.  And they thought it was God's Son.  The angle said, "Name Him Jesus."  And that's what Christmas is all about.

Friday, November 13, 2015


These fish are from different fishing trips, some are from fresh water and some are from salt water.

This one is from the pond on our property.  I caught a blue gill that time.  I used worms from my worm box for bait.  

 This was last year. We went to a lake and caught HUGE  fish with my dad's bow.  We caught huge carp.  We caught a lot of fish.

 This was at the ocean.  I caught my first shovel head shark.  I thought he was really cool! But, when I ate it, it was only a little spicy.  It was alright to eat. He was a tough fighter when I reeled him in.

Fishing is fun when fish bite!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Our Fish

We have been waiting one month to get fish for our tank.  We had to wait because the water wasn't very good for the fish to live in.  Yesterday, we got a clown fish.  It eats shrimp.  I like watching him eat.  We had to test our water first, before we could get a fish.  We had to test the salt and the different chemicals in the water to make sure the fish wouldn't die.  Next we had to get a bubblier, so that they could breath.  And then, we got to pick out our own fish!  We looked at all the fish.  Most of them were small.  My favorite was a Gobi fish, he was yellow.  Finally we got two shrimp, one Mexican snail and our fish.  He is a clown fish.  

Thursday, July 23, 2015


 I made cool projects. This is one of  my favorite experiments I made it from top to bottom.  These are my mast block, I use them to count by 10s and hundreds.  But, this day I made cool shapes.

Monday, July 13, 2015

My Breakfast

            Here is my breakfast that I made. We made our breakfast and it was good.
   I liked it.  I made an egg sandwich all myself!                                      

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Explosives in the Night!

Here are my firecrackers that my dad got me last night.  I was very excited! My favorite are the smoke bombs.  I can't wait to light the firecrackers!  

These are the firecrackers that my dad bought for all of us. They are going to be very fun.  

The 4th of July is America's birthday. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


 My brother"s 9th birthday was at the skating rink.  This was my first time at the skating rink that I could skate really well.  I went faster than I did the last time we went to the skating rink!

 After skating we all had cake.  Then, my brother Hunter, opened his presents.  We had friends there with us.  We all skated together.  After cake we did the limbo, a race and then we skated some more!

I kept on falling, and my knee, elbow and palm started to hurt.  But I kept on skating!

My dad was faster than everybody!  It was a very fun birthday and skating day!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Our Vacation

 We went to Galveston Bay.  It was so fun.  I want to go there again.  We took our boat down there and I colored in the boat.  These are my pictures that I colored.  We stayed on the water for 4 days.  But sometimes we went out and saw the boat show.  We got to look at boats.  It was a lot of fun.  

 My dad, is the captain of our boat.  His job is to steer the boat.  My job on the boat is sitting still inside and go on top of the boat and watch for sticks and fish and stuff in the water so we don't run into them.

On our last day we went to the beach.  We went swimming.  After we went swimming, we saw a jelly fish.  My dad took a piece of the jelly fish home so we could look at it under my microscope.  

 We had to go on a ferry to get to the boat show.  The ferry vibrated from the front to the back.  We got to go out of our car and go to the front of the ferry.  It was awesome.

At the boat show we got to look inside the boats all over to see if we liked them.  There were lots of cupboards in the boats.

 We were looking at the boats, there were tons of boats to look at.  There were really big boats and some comfy ones and there was a really big boat with a trampoline on it.

This is my brother, Hunter.  He is sitting by the Hunter boat, it has the same name as he does.  

This ferry that we went on is called the Dead Man!  I am glad we weren't dead on there!  We saw dolphins in the water when we went up front.  

 We checked out this war place.  It was from WWI.  There was a sign that showed the inside and this grenade launcher. This wasn't just any grenade launcher, it shot out missiles from 15 yard away!

Here is our boat.  Our boat is smaller than all the other boats.  It looks like a motor boat, but it is a sail boat.

When we came back we looked at the jelly fish under my microscope.  There were living worms inside the jellyfish.  We saw them moving in the microscope.  They were tiny-tiny.