Thursday, June 23, 2016

The camp

 The family camp was so fun. We went zip lining and meany thing like bike riding and more! The camp make you wont to go outside and play. There was so fun things.      

 Zip lining was my favorite thing in the camp. We had to put helmets on and go zip lining.  

This is the park ware we went to go zip lining.

Soon we had to lave the camp that was not fun at all.

Monday, June 13, 2016

I Like Food

 I like a lot of warm foods, like pancakes and waffles!  I would eat pancakes every morning if I could. I cook my own pancakes. They are really good. Sometimes I make 3 pancakes, but most of the time I make 10 and save 5 in the fridge for the next day. I make my pancakes with Buttermilk Pancake and all I need is water to mix it with.  I use two scoops of the pancake mix and a little bit of water.  It makes a lot of pancakes. I pour the pancake mix in the hot pan.  Then, wait until it bubbles.  Next, I flip the pancake.  I do it over and over until the mix is all gone.

I also like fruits and vegetables.  Tomatoes and strawberries are very exceptional.  I grow my own vegetables. I also like squash and blackberries.    

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

In Texas

We moved from Arizona to Texas.  We had never before.  We have been in Texas almost 3 years.  Our first home was really small, so we moved to a bigger house.  Our first house had two swimming pools we could go to, so we went swimming a lot in the summer.  In this second house we live in now, Alex has his own room and Hunter and I share a room.  It's a lot bigger than the first house. This house has a back porch.  We are living in this house, but we are building on our property. We bought 73 acres.  We have 1 1/2 ponds, a spring where we get our water to drink while we are working.  But, sometimes we bring a big orange jug full of water to drink.  The new house is going to be really big! It's going to be the biggest house we have ever lived in.  So far, we only have one square done.  Once we are done with the water and bathroom and rooms, we can start moving in.  

 When we moved I was 5 but now I am 7.  We have done a lot of fun things in Texas.  I have launched off a rocket.  It was really cool when it went up in the sky.  Mine went pretty high and came crashing down, hard.

There was  giant water fall in Tyler.  We went really close to the edge and caught minnows.

There are a lot of fun things in Texas that we can do.  More fun things than Arizona.  I like living in Texas!

Thursday, February 4, 2016


 We took a vacation to Arizona and had lots of fun! We went to our Nona's house, our house and our Grandma's house.  We went to Arizona to sell our house that we had built.

 At our house, we brought rode our bikes all around the yard.  We cleaned up the house and got all that we needed from the house to go back to Texas.  We said good bye to everyone in Flagstaff.  Then, we went to Nona's house.

At Nona's house we caught lizards and took care of her garden.  She has a big garden with lots of flowers and trees.  She has lots of lizards in her yard so we caught a lot of them.

 This is my Nona's back  yard garden.

We left our Nona's house and went to our grandma's house.  It was fun to see our grandma and grandpa again.  Our great-grandma came over too.  She broke her arm, like I did, so we prayed for her.

We said good bye in the morning and headed back home.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


The ocean is fun because I can catch fish. 
Hermit crabs stay in deep places.  I caught hermit crabs in the shallow water, but I had to swim down because it was deep for me.  I got a big hermit crab. 
Groupers stay in very rocky places.  They live at the bottom of the ocean. 
Penguins stay on top of the ground in cold icy places.  They eat fish from the ocean.  The females go in the ocean, but the males stay behind and then they switch. 

These animals live in different depths of the ocean and in different places.  Some live in cold places, some live in hot places and others go in medium waters.  The ocean is fun because you can finds lots of different animals.  


         I like Christmas because I can get so many presents.  I can play and have fun with my new toys! What I want for Christmas this year is a game.

           Christmas is not about presents, it's about Jesus' birthday. Mary wanted a baby boy and they looked in major and they saw the baby Jesus.  Jesus was born on Christmas night and Mary and Joseph looked in the barn.  There were lots of cows and sheep and all the farm animals and Jesus was in the manger.  And they thought it was God's Son.  The angle said, "Name Him Jesus."  And that's what Christmas is all about.

Friday, November 13, 2015


These fish are from different fishing trips, some are from fresh water and some are from salt water.

This one is from the pond on our property.  I caught a blue gill that time.  I used worms from my worm box for bait.  

 This was last year. We went to a lake and caught HUGE  fish with my dad's bow.  We caught huge carp.  We caught a lot of fish.

 This was at the ocean.  I caught my first shovel head shark.  I thought he was really cool! But, when I ate it, it was only a little spicy.  It was alright to eat. He was a tough fighter when I reeled him in.

Fishing is fun when fish bite!