Thursday, February 4, 2016


 We took a vacation to Arizona and had lots of fun! We went to our Nona's house, our house and our Grandma's house.  We went to Arizona to sell our house that we had built.

 At our house, we brought rode our bikes all around the yard.  We cleaned up the house and got all that we needed from the house to go back to Texas.  We said good bye to everyone in Flagstaff.  Then, we went to Nona's house.

At Nona's house we caught lizards and took care of her garden.  She has a big garden with lots of flowers and trees.  She has lots of lizards in her yard so we caught a lot of them.

 This is my Nona's back  yard garden.

We left our Nona's house and went to our grandma's house.  It was fun to see our grandma and grandpa again.  Our great-grandma came over too.  She broke her arm, like I did, so we prayed for her.

We said good bye in the morning and headed back home.

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