Tuesday, February 16, 2016

In Texas

We moved from Arizona to Texas.  We had never before.  We have been in Texas almost 3 years.  Our first home was really small, so we moved to a bigger house.  Our first house had two swimming pools we could go to, so we went swimming a lot in the summer.  In this second house we live in now, Alex has his own room and Hunter and I share a room.  It's a lot bigger than the first house. This house has a back porch.  We are living in this house, but we are building on our property. We bought 73 acres.  We have 1 1/2 ponds, a spring where we get our water to drink while we are working.  But, sometimes we bring a big orange jug full of water to drink.  The new house is going to be really big! It's going to be the biggest house we have ever lived in.  So far, we only have one square done.  Once we are done with the water and bathroom and rooms, we can start moving in.  

 When we moved I was 5 but now I am 7.  We have done a lot of fun things in Texas.  I have launched off a rocket.  It was really cool when it went up in the sky.  Mine went pretty high and came crashing down, hard.

There was  giant water fall in Tyler.  We went really close to the edge and caught minnows.

There are a lot of fun things in Texas that we can do.  More fun things than Arizona.  I like living in Texas!

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