Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Crayon Maker

 So, this is me and Alex pouring the melted crayon into the holes. I peel tough and old crayons and put them in a pile.  I make a big pile of crayons.  Alex puts them in the crayon maker and it melts them and you pour them into the holes and you have to wait for a couple of seconds for it to heat up them you take the crayons out.
 Alex took a picture of me.  I like to make crayons more than jumping on the trampoline because I like to draw with them.
 When you take the crayons out they are hot and you put them on the kitchen counter to cool off.
For lunch today we had sandwich with eggs and bells peppers.  I like the red bell peppers.  Then we went and made more crayons.  At nap time Austin and Ethan came and we had fun with them.  I was always last on the trampoline.  The big boys were first.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Last Halloween

These pumpkins are from Halloween.  We had marshmallows and they were good.   We had a scary story, then watched a scary movie.  Then we ate lots of candy and got sugar sick.  We also ate popcorn.  The movie was too scary, so we watched Oscar's Oasis.  The movie was fun. Then we went to bed.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Jimmy's Fishing Story

 This is me and my family fishing at the fishing derby.  And I got crawdads.  Even they were green and red.  A shark was swimming around and was pulling me into the water so I drink a little bit of my water and made a couple of lures and got some stinky bait and caught 2 sharks with one hook.  Then I took a picture of the sharks and saved them for breakfast.  We went home and ate all the crawdads and sharks. I ate the head and it was very big.
 This is me and my dad and my dad caught a fish for me.  So, Hunter came and he wanted to fish with me and I wanted to be alone with dad and dad caught me a bass fish.  So, I caught a fish egg and grew it.
 This is Alex, my brother, and he likes fishing and reading fishing books.