Friday, March 1, 2013

Jimmy's Fishing Story

 This is me and my family fishing at the fishing derby.  And I got crawdads.  Even they were green and red.  A shark was swimming around and was pulling me into the water so I drink a little bit of my water and made a couple of lures and got some stinky bait and caught 2 sharks with one hook.  Then I took a picture of the sharks and saved them for breakfast.  We went home and ate all the crawdads and sharks. I ate the head and it was very big.
 This is me and my dad and my dad caught a fish for me.  So, Hunter came and he wanted to fish with me and I wanted to be alone with dad and dad caught me a bass fish.  So, I caught a fish egg and grew it.
 This is Alex, my brother, and he likes fishing and reading fishing books.

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