Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Dinosaur Fossils of Arizona

I like seeing dinosaur footprints. We went to see dinosaur footprints, when we visited Arizona.  Seeing the footprints was like the dinosaurs were still there.  

Here is me and my best brother, Hunter. We touched a real dinosaur foot.
It was like I was feeling inside the dinosaur's body, it was smooth.

Here is my family and me.  We ran to the next fossil.
At the next dinosaur fossil, there were
dinosaur eggs. 

Here we are with little dinosaur eggs.
It was fun to see all the different fossils.
I can imagine the way the dinosaurs lived.

Here are bigger dinosaur eggs.  I think they were T-rex eggs.
I think the T-rex was red colored in this area.  

Here is some dinosaur footprints.  It was very cool to see them.  

The End

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