Wednesday, December 11, 2013


This week we saw a red bird and it was cool.  Me and my family saw it in our front yard.  It's name This week we saw a red bird and it was cool Me and my family saw it in our front yard.  It's name is Carnelian. It is very very cold outside, so we made them bird feeders so they had something to eat.  This is how I made the bird feeder: first I had a pine cone and I spread peanut butter on it, then  I got crushed bread and put it all over the pine cone.  Next we hung it up on a branch outside.  The next day, Hunter's bird feeder was gone, we could not find it.  We think a bird set it up for a decoration in it's house, just the pine cone though.
It was fun making the bird feeder.  Mine is still outside and Alex's is too.   

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Jimmy's House

Once upon a time I went outside and it was pretty nice and my brothers were playing with me outside in the backyard and we had fun.  Later that day we went to the park.  I was on the slide I slid down with my hands up in the air.

 Once my family and I went to our property on Alex's birthday.  We shot off rockets.  My rocket went as high as my brother's, 400 feet.  I did not really see it take off because it was so fast.
This is me and family at the lake on the property. Once, one Monday, it was a good day.  I went down to the pond.  I was checking for fish.  Alex came to me, but I wanted to be alone.  Alex went away then came back. So, I climbed up the highest mountain I could find.  I thought I was going to fall so I  called my family to come rescue me and they came and rescued me.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

      Yesterday, I wanted to go to a stream.  So, we went to lake Palestine.  When we got there we saw a big, big water fall.  It was bigger than anything, it was bigger than a shark, a great white shark.  So, we rushed down there and we saw a pond.

This is me taking a picture.  It was a fun, fun day.

       This is me looking at the pond.  I watched some little fish swimming.  I got my bait out.  I made a little pond to swim in and put them in my little pond.  After a while we went to another area and I found fish bones for my friend.  Dad and me were looking at these guys fishing.  One guy was catching almost all the fish because he had the right lures.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Once upon a time in Flagstaff I was outside in my backyard.  I was playing with my dinosaurs.  I was pretending they were alive.  Dad was going to play with me.  We played dinosaurs together and we had allot of fun.  After my dad played with me he went to his office.  He was drawing animals at his office.  It was almost night time and bats were coming so he came home.  He went to his bedroom and went to bed.  
                                                                   The End

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Me and my dad went fishing at the lake.  I caught a turtle.  Then dad almost caught a catfish.  My dad got an alligator gar fish.  I found a tree by the lake.  The tree was white.  We went back to our house and ate a catfish.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Adventures of Fishing

This is me and my dad fishing.  Once my dad and I caught a little fish, but I let it go.  It was dragging my lure. I almost got a big fish.  But the fish I got was cool. And, I only caught one fish in one day.  I could have gotten two fish, but I didn't because fishing is harder then you think.  Well it kind of is, you have to have to cast it out there and if you have one of my fishing pole, a red one, you have to put it behind your back and cast it out there very far.  If it is not really far you cast it again.  If you get it out there really far you have to wait for awhile.  Me and my family were going fishing until it was very dark.  We saw a turtle going on land.  Then it was swimming, but it forgot something, he was going to find someone so he came back and we caught him.  We named the turtle we caught Larry and Jo.  They were so cute, but we let them go.  We said bye to them  but they didn't know our language.   

Then there was a fish splashing on my fishing pole. 
The End

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Big Snake

 This is me and my brothers holding a snake.  We were taking care of it. Our dog, Cowboy, bit it on the tail. We put it on our heads and made it slither and it slithered on to my lap.
 We put it on the ground and it slither on to a log and went into a hole.  And it slither up and on to my arm and it kept going around.  And it slither in to my shirt.  It had spots on his back and white on his stomach.  It went in to all our shirts.  It went on my leg and tried to go in my pants!  We found 2 more snakes under the green barn.   
 The snake felt like it was poisonous and it was alive on me. It slithers on my back and tried to go on the roof and I let it slither down the wall and go home with his parents.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Crayon Maker

 So, this is me and Alex pouring the melted crayon into the holes. I peel tough and old crayons and put them in a pile.  I make a big pile of crayons.  Alex puts them in the crayon maker and it melts them and you pour them into the holes and you have to wait for a couple of seconds for it to heat up them you take the crayons out.
 Alex took a picture of me.  I like to make crayons more than jumping on the trampoline because I like to draw with them.
 When you take the crayons out they are hot and you put them on the kitchen counter to cool off.
For lunch today we had sandwich with eggs and bells peppers.  I like the red bell peppers.  Then we went and made more crayons.  At nap time Austin and Ethan came and we had fun with them.  I was always last on the trampoline.  The big boys were first.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Last Halloween

These pumpkins are from Halloween.  We had marshmallows and they were good.   We had a scary story, then watched a scary movie.  Then we ate lots of candy and got sugar sick.  We also ate popcorn.  The movie was too scary, so we watched Oscar's Oasis.  The movie was fun. Then we went to bed.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Jimmy's Fishing Story

 This is me and my family fishing at the fishing derby.  And I got crawdads.  Even they were green and red.  A shark was swimming around and was pulling me into the water so I drink a little bit of my water and made a couple of lures and got some stinky bait and caught 2 sharks with one hook.  Then I took a picture of the sharks and saved them for breakfast.  We went home and ate all the crawdads and sharks. I ate the head and it was very big.
 This is me and my dad and my dad caught a fish for me.  So, Hunter came and he wanted to fish with me and I wanted to be alone with dad and dad caught me a bass fish.  So, I caught a fish egg and grew it.
 This is Alex, my brother, and he likes fishing and reading fishing books.

Friday, February 8, 2013

I am Jimmy

Hi, I am Jimmy.  Someday we will move, I want to fish when we move.  I like to make bait and lures all day with fish hooks and pipe cleaners and tape and scissors.  To make lures I get my tackle box, tape, scissors and lure making basket out.  Then I get out my bait and cut pipe cleaners into little bits. And next I put tape around them and put hooks on them.  I hove a brown, blue and red worm and I have big hooks with string on them.  They are my favorite.  I get to make more and more lures every day.

  This is me with my super hero cape.  I like to dress up.

  I like to do computer games and garden.  I like to eat carrots.   My favorite food  is watermelon, peaches, sandwiches with peanut butter and jelly and candy on the top and I even like ICE CREAM!

  I like to fly in the sky, even, I want to go to the beach and get sea shells.


 I like going to the zoo, I like this zebra (giraffe) and I like monkeys (this gorilla).  I want to see a turtle with a fish because I like fishing.  I like to make  lots and lots of lures.


 I like to go camping, fishing and playing army guys.  I want to dress up like superman.